Kafe Urban Settlers’ Women’s Association (KUSWA)

Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province

Kafe Urban Settlers Women’s Association (KUSWA) is a community-based organisation based in Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province. KUSWA was established in 2001 by eight woman who were survivors of domestic violence. To alleviate their own suffering and others in similar situations, the women created the organisation. KUSWA’s vision is to ensure that women and their families are protected, respected and supported to equally contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of their families and communities.

KUSWA’s mission is to work with the community and families to support women develop to their full potential and live productive lives through active promotion of health, gender equality, full participation, and life skills activities in Eastern Highlands Province.

KUSWA is located in Goroka, but also works in surrounding districts. KUSWA works in partnership with the police, communities, schools, the Department for Community Development, the district and village courts, women’s groups, the Family Support Centre, churches, the organisation Family Voice, and focal people in communities they work in.

Types of services they provide include:

  • Counseling
  • Referral services to other stakeholders including Police, Hospital, Village Court, District Court house, Community Development Office and Child Protection Office
  • Developing creative community led approaches advocating for issues around human rights, gender-based violence, sorcery accusations, new laws passed by the government of PNG, behaviour change, equity and family protection.
  • Capacity Building training for  their partners involving Police, Village Court, Peace Mediators, Community Leaders, Focal People in communities – conflict resolution, human rights, positive discipline and gender.
  • Repatriation and Reintegration support to survivors of extreme gender based violence including sorcery related violence.
  • Paralegal Service providing legal support including writing up Interim Protection Orders and other  statements.
  • Mediation of tribal conflict, family disputes, marriage disputes